Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Job Interview

Today was my first job interview in 8 years.  I have a part time job and have been on interviews for it and others, however they basically just want to make sure you'll work the schedule and show up.  They don't ask technical questions and questions that will make you think. 

I'm a staffing recrutier and finding people jobs is my job. You'd  think that in the industry that I'm in, I would be good at interviewing and writing a resume... well I'm good at telling people how to interview,  just not good at taking the advice!

Today's interview was over the phone, since this is the first one in eight years, I was nervous... and it showed.  I spoke quickly in my answers.  I was unsure if what I was answering was the right thing to say.  My allergies were acting up, so I had a stuffy nose.   And to make things worse, over 500 people applied for this job.  Part of me thinks I'm just over reacting and the other part wants to cry.  This is a fantastic opportunity and I feel like I let it slip through my fingertips.

We will find out in two weeks if I get call back for a 2nd interview.  **keeping my fingers crossed** 

It's Begining to look a lot like Autumn...

....every where I go.

Oh I love this time of year!  It was a brisk 46 degrees this morning on my way to work.  I get to break out the long sleeves and sweaters.   Out of my 4th floor office window I get to admire the changing of the leaves.  And best of all... Pumpkins!
In celebration of this beautiful time of year, I treated myself to Starbucks... yep you guessed it... Pumpkin Spice.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Friday, September 25, 2009


So lately I've been trying some new ideas for cards.... However they all end up looking a like!  They are so simple compared to others I see.  Here are a few that I've recently made.  I need to figure out how to take a good picture of them!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eight Years

Wow, today is my 8th year at work.  8 years...  in celebration my boss bought me a breakfast sandwich from the deli.

Monday, September 21, 2009

$10 off Junior Fashions at Sears

Good Morning everyone!  However it doesn't look so much like morning here, we have one heck of a storm rolling through Kansas City and it's darker then dark outside.

Please enjoy this coupon for $10 off Junior Fashions at Sears.  I plan on passing my coupon to Tyesha and Wendy at work, I can't think of anyone else who may be able to use it in my family.

To print your coupon go here: http://www.sears.com/ue/clth/link_jrfashion_coupon.pdf

or use code 17SEARSAPPAREL

Expires 11/14/09

Thursday, September 10, 2009


As I was browsing Craigslist for possible new job postings, I decided to amuse myself with the "Free Section".  I thought I'd share a few titles that really made me giggle!

7 cans diet caff free coke - (gladstone)

Place to dump - (Blue Springs)
Free tree limbs!! - (Grain Valley, Mo) pic
Still some thing on curb - (BELTON)
I cut a tree down come take it away - (Olathe)

Corn Cobs - (SKC/GV)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

101 list update!

I was able to accomplish a few more items on my list and wanted to share.

#19.  On September 7th, I purchased a slightly used dryer from my friend Nancy.  Our old dryer was so horrible that we had to cycle it twice on the maximum minutes allowed to dry one small load.  I'm sure it was also costing us a lot on our electric bill.  The new one drys in 30 minutes!

#33.  I have been working with Jack on a new trick, and he finally has caught on!  I was so excited when he shook my hand for the first time!  He got double treats that day.  We've been practicing daily and it's paid off.  Way to go my baby Jack!

#49. Is being substituted, I am being laid off so that goal becomes unrealistic for me to reach, so I added #49a - Find a Permanent Job.

I've been accomplishing my daily, monthly and weekly goals as well, and I just finished my first book.

#76. I read "Judgment in Death" by Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb. I liked this book, to my surprise I read it in a week. Usually it takes me months to read a book. I believed they called it a "romance thriller?" I guess it was. There was romance and killing involved. At times the book was very detailed, a bit more detailed then what I was comfortable with reading it at my second job. I’m not big on book reviews because I feel they give away too much of the story line, but here is just a brief glimpse into the book.
The story is based in 2059, New York. A female Homicide detective by the name of Eve Dallas sets out to find a cop killer. The End. :) That’s all you get from me.
However I did enjoy the book, it kept me interested, and I plan to read more from the J.D. Robb "In Death" series.

A day of Rambling

Hello Tuesday!  I love long weekends and short work weeks!  How was everyone's weekend?  Do anything exciting or catch up on some much needed rest? 

I spent Saturday running errands and doing a little shopping.  I was able to purchase two wedding shower gifts, part of a baby shower gift, 2 pool rafts (for a $1 at TJ MAXX) a new out fit for Danny for our vacation - for under $10 (Gotta love Kohl's!) and treats for Jack! 

Sunday, I experienced Pizza Shoppe and their "Pink Stuff" salad dressing with Nancy and Marie.  (Thank you Nancy for Lunch, you didn't have too) And spent the afternoon with Marie looking for a new craft project/hobby.  We ran across Pottery Playland, which seems to be a fun idea, and can be part of "make my own pottery" on my 101 list, however all you do at Pottery Playland is paint the already made pottery.  I'm not sure that counts as make your own pottery..? Then we went to a couple different Michael's.  I was able to come up with an inexpensive -do it yourself- present for the Aunts and possible my grandparents.  Money is going to be very tight for me and my husband this holiday season, so I'm trying to knock out as much as I can while I still have a few extra $$$ to spend.  Michael's sales these adorable mini bread loaves that are ceramic and seasonally decorated and colored.  Now I just need to practice making bread.  Does anyone have a good recipe?

With the mentioning of holiday season, that means I first must survive "Birthday Season".  What is Birthday Season?  Well my friends... Birthday Season is two weeks away and starts with my niece Adrieanne the end of September, everyone else's birthdays fall in the month of October and it ends with my Father the first part of November. Then 2 weeks to stop and breathe and it's Holiday season.  :)  My Mom, Danny, and Braydon are the only ones who have birthdays outside of "birthday season".  And during this years birthday season, I have 2 bridal showers and 2 weddings to attend. 

So now we are at Monday, Lazy Monday.  I went to my Cousin's bridal shower.  It was a good time, the weather was perfect for an outdoor shower.  Her fiance is Native American and they served Indian Tacos, which were very yummy.  My husband was very jealous when I told him what I got to eat.  We played games, I was able to win one.. yay!  I received a good smelling "cherry" scented candle and a CD of Brule'.  Brule' is a Native American band that my cousin's fiance plays in.  If you have a moment, go check out their site and music, it's very fascinating.
After the shower I had to stop by Walmart and pick up some cat food... why I just couldn't remember when I was out Saturday or Sunday.. While I was there, I couldn't help but notice all the Clearance Stickers!  *i'm addicted to Clearance Stickers!*  I was able to pick Danny up 2 tops for $2 bucks (he ruins shirts so quickly at his job, $2 was a steal!)  I got my niece a Bikini for $3 and a cute shirt for $3.  I think I'll save the Bikini for Christmas (we are going on vacation soon and I planned on getting the kids items they can use on vacation.. other words I would never dream of getting her a bikini for Christmas lol)  I think that was about it for me.

Wow what a bunch of rambling!  Anyway, I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Take this job and shove it... I ain't working here no more"

Well... it's sorta like that.  Last Wednesday I got word that I will be getting laid off in September.  My boss hopes to keep me the whole month, but says she isn't for sure when my last day will be. 
This news was very upsetting to me, I seen it coming for a long time, but honestly thought the company was starting to do better.  I am glad I received notice and wasn't just kicked right out the door.  I've been here for eight years.. eight long years,  and honestly I'm not sure how I made it that long.  A new Owner came in two years ago and things got much better (working wise).  Unfortunately, the economy slipped and so did my company.  When corporations aren't hiring, they surely aren't going to use a Placement/Staffing company for hiring. 
Bad news is most places want someone with a degree.  I talk to my friends and they feel that their degree is just a very expensive piece of paper.  Other down side of this is the money companies are paying.  It's like starting all over again.. at the bottom... especially with out that $50k piece of paper.
I am thankful that I was able to pick up a part time job with the toy company.  That will help out some.  Some is better then none right?
So back to my song... "Take this job and shove it, I ain't working here no more"... does anyone else find it hard to focus and produce work when they know it's for someone else's benefit?  Every candidate I find and get a job, I get nothing from it.  So I find it very hard to sit here and work when I know I'm getting the axe soon... So... If anyone in the KC area is hiring... I'm right here!!